Sunday, October 05, 2008

Salam Aidilfitri

It's been a while that we do not write anything in our blog. well, this would be my first time blogging as this blog was created by my wife; sha. however, it seems that everybody blogged now, i have to have the "IN thing". BLOG.

Going back to the original title, i would like to wish salam aidilfitri to the readers. this year would be the first year that we celebrated raya with our beloved son. based on "sistem giliran", this year is kedah, my hometown. of course my mother was very delighted when she knows that her grandson will be coming back for raya. the traffic was rather smooth to and fro. the celebration was quite simple and raees collects a lot of duit raye. don't worry people, its gonna go to raees own Yippie account.


Captain Zach said...

WAH! hotnya!! welkam back!!

sudah pasti sekembalinya ke kampun halaman di kedah lebey stylo dgn Latio Sudan berbau plastik..ahaks..

hye gunung, bertambah comel uncle tgk..eee, mcm nak sedut2 jer pipi~

ucapan khas buat sha, it's ok babe, next year ur turn pulak ke johor..IDUP LAKSA JOHOR!! (heip, IC i "14" yer)..hohoho

fadlyhisham said...

uik adi pun mmblog. hehe
selamat hari raya..xsempat pi alor staq beraya sbb petang raya pertama dh balek machang sbb adik aku kawen raya ke2.

btw, selamat hari raya.