Hi there.. last week, i went to Kuala Kangsar. My mummy told me it is my tok daddy's hometown. I woke up really early that day as we will be strating the journey in the morning. At 9am, we cruised the highway to KK in the big and comfy Estima so that we can reach there just in time for lunch.
After waiting for 3 hours in the car, we have finally arrived in KK. Nice and peaceful town. First, we stop for lunch. Tok daddy brought us to the most famous place for laksa in KK, Restoran Laksa Pak Ngah. Pak Ngah sold laksa since the year 1955. During that time, he was on his motorbike going around KK to sell laksa.

After lunch, tok daddy brought us to his Alma Mater, MCKK and Clifford High School. Uncle Syear, you went to this school too?

Lastly, we visited opah midah in Ribu before going back to KL that day.
yess kiddie...uncle syear went to that skool. one day when u grew up, u can go to that school too. it's awesome :-)
u can go to that school too <- owh no honey, no..uncle zed ada kawan, satu batch dgn uncle tom, tp dia dah jd "lain"..lain dr yg lain~ so baik jgn ya sayang =P
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