Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Cinta bersemi di "Chenta"

It seems like yesterday, the event took place. After a few months of preparation, the day finally comes. hhmm.. What day it is? My wedding day. A million thanks i would want to wish to my mum n dad, my 2 sisters and bro-in-laws as well as my wife to be (at that time) for supporting me in any circumstances.

Anyway, special thanks to my eldest sis, for preparing the 9 dulang of hantaran. With her creativity, she has now venture into the Hantaran making business. Anybody who would want a touch of her creativity, you may contact my sis @019-34 44 596 or visit their webbie at

The actual hantaran of my wedding are portrayed below...

the Sireh Junjung

the Ring

the Potpuri

the Shoe & Bag

the Watch & Make-up

the Quran

the Telekung

the Dried Agar2


Captain Zach said...

eh, nie mcm hantaran u dulu jer..cun cun..huhuhu..bole commercialise neh..

a z z u r a said...

lor... kan die dah mention hantaran die tuh. :P

hai adi, hi sha, just found out about this blog from ai's.

can i link it?

this comment was brought to you by word verification: pintest

Captain Zach said...

OPS!..bukan per, terpegun tgk gmbr hantaran, tuh yg trus skip the wordings..huhu..sorry di..

Adisha said...

ya lor.. penat jer promote kat sinie..

huhu.. yes zura, you may. then i'll add u in as well